Own brands
We are Yummi Yummi®,
Mellow Mellow®, und
Sweet Stories®!
Our own brands inspire
many sweet teeth every day.
Our partner from Spain
ZETA ESPACIAL S.A. was founded in 1979 with the vision of producing unique and innovative confectionery products that would be different from anything known before. Just one year after the company was founded, the success in the development of popping candies was so great that the company quickly decided to expand and in the second year already opened up seven additional sales markets. At present, Zeta Espacial is a family business that has won many awards, with jobs in Spain, Mexico and the USA. It is with great pride that the company looks back on the development of brand being recognized internationally. This has been successfully pursued with a great deal of passion and high quality standards until today. Here in Germany, the Magic Gum® brand is the talk of the town. The crackling chewing gum in the unmistakable blue bag has always delighted big and small snack and chewing gum lovers. Our brand portfolio also includes the popular Pop Rocks® and TwoToOne® brands.
Our partner from Spain
When you see the red sachets, you know you’re in for a real taste explosion. The crackling fizzy powder delights young and old and is a very special sweet. Also available in cola flavour!
These are our partners whose products are available with us.